E-Book “Face and Body Gymnastics” + 6 Videos


E-book Anti-aging face and body program
Language: English

+ Free full access to all 6 videos
+ Free Contribution of Personal Notes of the Author about Healthy Living and Vitality in English.

This book is a result of my long experience and it is my wish to transfer my own experiences and knowledge and to help everyone who needs and wants it. I don’t recommend face and body gymnastics only for keeping your body slim and fit, I recommend it to keep a fresh and youthful appearance. I am not the only one convinced of its effectiveness, my clients that accepted my method and use it to keep their beauty and youthfulness are convinced as well.

By purchasing this item you also open access to all available video materials on Croatian language with English subtitles.
My goal was to see to what extent, and is it possible at all to use nature, face gymnastics and nutrition to slow down ageing and feel good. I believe I have succeeded and achieved that goal. And if I have managed to wake up your curiosity and will to try it as well, then I have succeeded completely. Watch my videos to maintain and return youthful appearance to your face.
Excersizes in 6 videos are available for chin and double chin, cheeks, neck, lips, forehead and eyes.

Important; that not to do 1-2 times a week all the exercises listed and last for a total of 1 hour, but it is enough to choose 2-3 exercises for the eyes, 2-3 exercises for cheeks and so on … and then training lasts cca 15 minutes. Preferably, the change over time of exercise and thus covers all the muscles in the face!
