After summer preparation for skin
How to treat your skin after summer and prepare it for autumn: Summer is coming to an end and your skin is dry, dehydrated, tense and you have spotted the first lines or the existing lines have become more visible.
It is a mistake to try to keep your skin tanned long after summer. Your skin is covered with dead cells which make her look rough, dry and tense. The skin doesn’t breathe and doesn’t get enough nutrients even though you think you’re putting enough cream, sometimes several times a day.
Rule no. 1: despite your wishes you need to free your skin from those dead cells – make a peeling and be careful to chose the product that matches your skin type. To be sure you’re on the right way talk to an expert, it’s your skin after all.
In professional cosmetic salons they will recommend you several peeling treatments; After that comes hydrating treatment which will moisturize your skin and bring it back its natural processes. Also the skin gets its 10% of oxygen from air and it gives her vitality…
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