Why do I use stem cells as a treatment in my salon?

Stem cells renew all damaged cells and tissues and therefore I use this treatment very often on people aged 25 and up.

Using stem cells - Face Gymnastics, Seka Zebić

I know young people think about the future, often using tanning beds and insufficiently protecting themselves from the harmful sun radiation during summer. As a result, the collagen and elastin production reduces and the skin is dehydrated. When treated like this, skin becomes wrinkled and lines can appear very early, already at the age of 30-35. In that case I recommend one to two Stem Cells Treatments after winter and before summer, and also one to two Treatments after summer. Stem cells will repair the skin, restore everything that was damaged and, most importantly, hasten regeneration. They will help the skin cells to function normally and give the skin back its glow and healthy appearance…


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